Please enjoy our special July edition of "The District Digest" that showcases some of our dedicated and hardworking faculty & staff.
4 days ago, Mary Jo Fox
Greetings, Colleton County School District families. All schools and offices will be closed Monday, September 2, 2024, in observance of Labor Day. Please have a safe & enjoyable weekend. Saludos, familias del distrito escolar del condado de Colleton. Todas las escuelas y oficinas estarán cerradas el lunes 2 de septiembre de 2024 en conmemoración del Día del Trabajo. Por favor, que tengas un fin de semana seguro y agradable.
12 days ago, Mary Jo Fox
American Flags & Distrct Logo
American Flags & District Logo
Mark your calendars. Plan to celebrate "National Night Out" on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.
11 days ago, Mary Jo Fox
Food & 1st Responder logos
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Colleton County School District 500 Forest Circle Walterboro, SC 29488 Home - Colleton County School District Office of Student Athletics As we prepare to begin another season of Colleton County Cougars athletics, we would like to remind everyone of the expectations for attending athletic events within the Colleton County School District to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all attendees: 1. A parent must accompany students under the age of 14 to enter athletic events. 2. Student-athletes using the pass gate must present their student ID badges for entrance. 3. Staff entering through the pass gate must present their school ID. 4. A clear bag or small handheld clutch is the only bag allowed at the games. 5. Once entered into the game, spectators will not be allowed re-entry for any reason. 6. After entering the game, spectators must immediately find a seat in the stands. 7. Standing along the walkways, near the concessions or restroom, or under the stadium is strictly prohibited. Guests must remain seated unless going to the restroom or concessions. All attendees are expected to behave appropriately, and any abusive or unruly behavior, including speech and gestures, will not be tolerated. In addition, the following items and activities are strictly prohibited at school grounds and athletic events: smoking cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and vapes; alcohol, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia; animals (unless a service animal); megaphones that produce amplified sound; radios without speakers; unauthorized flags; banners; handheld signs that may be seen as offensive; horns; signs; whistles; laser pointers; and any pole stick or wires to support flags or banners, or any other item deemed inappropriate by school administration or law enforcement. 500 Forest Circle These guidelines are in place to ensure the safety, security, and enjoyment of all attendees. It is important to note that anyone found violating these expectations will be escorted from the stadium and asked to leave. Additionally, spectators who refuse to comply will be denied entry to future district athletic events. Any student found violating these rules will be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions outlined in the Student Code of Conduct issued by their school-level administrator. We urge everyone to take these rules seriously and comply for the benefit of all. Lastly, we are deeply grateful for your support of our athletes and your cooperation in ensuring that all events promote a safe, secure, and enjoyable environment. Your understanding and compliance with these guidelines are greatly appreciated. Thank you for being a part of our athletic community.
12 days ago, Mary Jo Fox
Cougar Mascot
Save money this year with All-Sports Season Passes! Scan the QR Code below or visit . These passes are valid August 23, 2024 - May 1, 2025 for all Varsity, JV, and Middle School regular season events. Student Passes (K-12) are only $50, Adult Passes are $75, and Family Passes (4 passes per pack) are just $200!
13 days ago, Mary Jo Fox
Cougar mascot & QR Code
Cougar Mascot & QR Code
Colleton County School District would like to thank our business and community sponsors for the awesome donations of prizes donated to our Back to School Convocation and other recognition awrds that will be distributed throughout the year. Shout out to DJ DELL for playing the awesome music that had us all dancing! We appreciate all that you do to support the Colleton County School district. Please thank our community & business sponsors by supporting them. Our sponsors were: Artists' Hub of the ACE Basin -AHAB's -Jeannie Langston ; Pelican's Snoballs of Walterboro; Sugar B's Bakeshop; Josh R. Bell; Ivanhoe Family Cinemas-Faith E Clementson, Stacy Lauren Grosskopf; Big Head Ed’s Food Shed; Jaquantaé Johnson-Jaquantae Film + Co; Bear Café & Lounge on Main; Wags 2 Riches; Emily Rhode ; Amanda Darden & JS Worden -Kelly Services Colleton;Jasmine Thomas-CCSD DOLLS ; Victoria Outley; Cakefaced Beauty Bar;Melinda Montjoy Risher; Lowcountry Nutrition-HA Clegg; Lowcountry Solar Clean; Carlos Hamlin -ACE Basin Photography; Heather Mushrush; Colleton County First Steps; Brianne Buckner -We Got Bounce Do It All Events, LLC ; Buck's Pizza; DJ Dell; Goodfellas Lawn & Tree Care; Michael Green-G&L Landscaping; Lisa Westfall Thompson; Chenoa Berry; & Kenneth Boyer.
20 days ago, Mary Jo Fox
A. Aiken
D. Nay & B. Buckner
CCSD Staff Winner
CCSD Staff Winner
A. Frank
Grand Prizes
Grand Prize Winners & DO Leadership
CCSD Staff Winner
B.Willaims, D. Berry, D. Hayes, & A. Utsey
At the August 20, 2024 Regular Board Meeting, Superintendent Jessica Williams recognized Technology, Transportation, & Building & Grounds Staff for all the hard work they did to assist our students before, during, & after TS Debby. She also recognized 3 board members for earning new levels for attending school board conferences.
21 days ago, Mary Jo Fox
Technology Staff & District Leaders
Transportation Staff & District Leaders
Buildings & Grounds Staff & District Leaders
District Leaders & Board members
Greetings, Colleton County School District parents. Please take a moment to review the 2024-2025 COVID update. Please reach out to your child's school nurse if you need additional information.
21 days ago, Mary Jo Fox
Stethoscope & red heart
DRESS CODE!!! DRESS CODE!!! DRESS CODE!!! All students are to follow the Colleton County School District Dress Code policy: Policy JICA Student Dress, Articles, and Displays. Please make sure you are dressing appropriately for school.
27 days ago, Mary Jo Fox
Disallowed Clothing
The August 13, 2024 Committee of the Whole School Board meeting was held @ 4:00 at the District Office Board Room located @ 500 Forest Circle, Walterboro, SC. At this board meeting Superintendent Jessica Williams recognized many different DO departments for all their hard work during the summer.
28 days ago, Mary Jo Fox
TCTC FFA Members
R. Lutton & M. Lutton
J.F. Williams
C & I Staff & District Leaders
HR Department & District Leaders
Convocation Committee members & District Leaders
Federal Programs Staff & District Leaders
C. Jenkins, J. Williams, M.J. Fox, & M. Wright
District Staff Recognized
Colleton County School District will resume regular business hours on Tuesday, August 13, 2024. All buses will run their regular routes, except in flooded areas. All schools and offices will be open, and extra-curricular activities and athletics will resume as usual. Moreover, students should return their assigned Chromebooks and chargers to school. We look forward to welcoming back our faculty and students to campus. Next, for families continuing to experience flooding concerns, the district will provide hub transports to the student’s assigned school for students who have been assigned a bus route and cannot get to their assigned bus stop. The elementary schools are Cottageville Elementary, Bells Elementary, and Hendersonville Elementary. If parents can safely drop their students off at the nearest elementary school in their attendance zone, we will be able to provide transportation to the students’ schools. Students will be transported back to the hub school at the end of the school day, and parents will need to pick them up for dismissal. Student pick-up and dismissal ridership times will be the same as our normal bus schedule. Thank you for your continued support as we bring our students back to school. In closing, if you continue to experience issues related to the aftermath of Tropical Storm Debby, please contact the Office of Student Services at 843-782-4510 or email for additional support.
29 days ago, Mary Jo Fox
Sticky note with push pin
Colleton County School District is fully prepared to resume regular business hours on Tuesday, August 13, 2024. All schools and offices will be open and we look forward to welcoming our students and staff back. We hope to see all of our faculty and students on campus. All extra-curricular activities and athletics will resume as normal. Students should bring their Chromebook and charger to school with them. For families continuing to experience flooding concerns, the district is providing hub transports to the student’s assigned school for students who have been assigned a bus route. Parents are asked to drop their students off at the nearest elementary school in your attendance zone. The elementary schools are as follows: Cottageville Elementary, Bells Elementary, and Hendersonville Elementary. Students will be transported back to the hub school at the end of the school day where parents will need to pick them up for dismissal. Student pick up and dismissal ridership times will be the same as if our buses were operating as normal. We are cognizant of the impact that this historic flooding event has had on our community. Moreover, we will remain resilient as we overcome this inclement weather event. Thank you for your continued support as we bring our students back to school. In closing, if you are continuing to experience issues related to the aftermath of Tropical Storm Debby, please contact the Office of Student Services at 843-782-4510 or send an email to for additional support.
30 days ago, Mary Jo Fox
School Supplies
Greetings, Colleton County School District Families, Due to active flooding in the Colleton County Community and the anticipation of additional rain and river cresting, Colleton County School District’s staff and students will engage in an e-Learning Day on Monday, August 12, 2024. This decision was made with the utmost caution and concern for all of our stakeholders to include students, staff, and families. CCSD collaborates very closely with local and state Emergency Preparedness Officials. During the school closure, all extracurricular and athletic events will be suspended. The District will continue to post all school-related changes to our district website ( and our District’s social media platforms by 4:00 pm daily. We encourage staff, students, and families to continue to employ safe practices and protocols.
30 days ago, Mary Jo Fox
computer, sticky note, pen
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Colleton County School District 500 Forest Circle Walterboro, SC 29488 Home - Colleton County School District Colleton County School District Continues Monitoring Tropical Storm Debby/Operational Schedule Due to the tremendous road damage, flooding, and loss of power for many areas of the county created by tropical storm Debby, the Colleton County School District will be closed Thursday, August 8, 2024, and Friday, August 9, 2024. During the school closure, all extracurricular and athletic events are suspended. We will continue to prioritize the safety of our students, staff, and their families. We encourage our parents and guardians to read with your children and continue to provide instructional activities to assist with continuity of learning while the community weathers the storm. Please continue to monitor our district website ( and our District’s social media platforms for updates and valuable information. Please ensure the safety of your families during this tropical weather. Stay home and stay safe. In closing, thank you for your continued support of the Colleton County School District.
about 1 month ago, Mary Jo Fox
Superintendent Jessica Williams
Colleton County School District Continues Monitoring Tropical Storm Debby/Operational Schedule After the torrential rainfall and storm damage across the county, the Colleton County School District will implement an E-Learning Day for our students on Wednesday, August 7, 2024. Families will be notified of decisions each day by 4:00 p.m. based on the assessment of our buildings and roadways. During the school closure, all extracurricular and athletic events will be suspended. We will continue to prioritize the safety of our students, staff, and their families. Information concerning Pre-K and Kindergarten attendance for the week of August 12-16, 2024, will be sent in a separate document. The District will continue to post all school-related changes to our district website ( and our District’s social media platforms by 4:00 pm daily. Please ensure the safety of your families during this tropical weather. Stay home and stay safe. In closing, thank you for your continued support of the Colleton County School District.
about 1 month ago, Mary Jo Fox
El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Colleton continúa monitoreando el calendario operativo/del huracán Debby Mientras el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Colleton colabora con nuestro equipo local de manejo de emergencias del condado y la División de Manejo de Emergencias de Carolina del Sur, El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Colleton suspenderá todas las operaciones en el sitio el martes 6 de agosto de 2024. debido a la preocupación por fuertes lluvias/inundaciones, posible actividad de tornados y condiciones peligrosas de las carreteras. Implementaremos una Jornada de E-Learning para nuestros estudiantes y personal. Nuestra principal prioridad es la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes, personal y sus familias. El equipo de respuesta a emergencias de nuestro distrito canceló todas las actividades escolares y extracurriculares para el martes 6 de agosto de 2024. Continuaremos publicando todos los cambios relacionados con la escuela en el sitio web de nuestro distrito ( y las plataformas de redes sociales de nuestro distrito antes de las 4:00 p.m. todos los días. Mantenga a sus familias seguras durante este clima tropical que experimentaremos. Para terminar, el distrito escolar está comprometido con la seguridad y la educación de todos los estudiantes. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar un entorno de aprendizaje seguro y de apoyo, incluso en tiempos de emergencia.
about 1 month ago, Mary Jo Fox
NJROTC, Arts Now! District Office, STAFF
Colleton County School District Continues Monitoring Hurricane Debby/Operational Schedule As Colleton County School District collaborates with our local county emergency management team and the South Carolina Emergency Management Division, the Colleton County School District will suspend all onsite operations Tuesday, August 6, 2024, due to the concerns of heavy rainfall/flooding, possible tornado activity, & hazardous road conditions. We will implement an E-Learning Day for our students & staff. Our top priority is the safety of our students, staff, and their families. Our district’s emergency response team has canceled all school and extracurricular activities for Tuesday, August 6, 2024. We will continue to post all school-related changes to our district website ( and our district’s social media platforms by 4:00 pm daily. Please keep your families safe during this tropical weather that we will experience. In closing, the school district is committed to the safety and education of all students. Our goal is to provide a secure and supportive learning environment, even in times of emergency.
about 1 month ago, Mary Jo Fox
NJROTC, Arts Now kids, CCSD Staff, & District Office
Colleton Adult Learning Center will hold our first Registration and Orientation beginning August 12, 2024 for our morning program and August 13, 2024 for our evening program. Pre-registration is required. Please give us a call at 843-782-0018 for pre-registration details.
about 1 month ago, Mary Jo Fox
Colleton County School District Monitoring Tropical Storm Debby/Operational Schedule In collaboration with our local county emergency management team and the South Carolina Emergency Management Division, the Colleton County School District is closely monitoring the development of tropical storm Debby. Our top priority is the safety of our students, staff, and their families. Our district’s emergency response team is in continuous communication with local and state emergency management officials to assess the situation concerning Colleton County and determine the best course of action for school, extracurricular, and athletic event cancellations. The South Carolina Emergency Management Division states that our area will experience heavy rainfall. Superintendent Jessica Williams stated, “We are taking all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of our school community. We are prepared to implement our emergency response plans and will keep everyone informed with timely updates.” On August 5, 2024, the school district will implement an early release schedule to ensure our students and staff arrive home safely ahead of anticipated heavy rainfall. The district will implement the following bell schedule for Monday, August 5, 2024: • Black Street Early Childhood Center will begin dismissal at 10:40 am • All Elementary Schools will begin dismissal at 11:00 am • Colleton County Middle School will dismiss at 12:15 pm • Colleton County High School will dismiss at 12:30 pm. We are thrilled and anticipate having our students back on campus for the first day of school. While we will be implementing an abbreviated schedule, all students must attend class on day one. During the initial instructional day, students will be administered their Chromebook device in the event that the district transitions to an e-learning day as we learn more about school operations due to the severe weather’s impact on the community. Our school buses will be fully operational on Monday, August 5, 2024. In the event of significant changes due to severe weather, bus routes may be adjusted or suspended. Parents will be notified of any changes associated with this severe weather event. Parents and guardians are encouraged to ensure their contact information is updated with their child’s school so that they receive important alerts and updates. We will continue to post all school-related changes to our district website ( and our district’s social media platforms by 4:00 pm Monday, August 5, 2024. Families are advised to have a personal emergency plan, including an emergency kit with essentials such as water, non-perishable food, medications, and important documents. In closing, the school district is committed to the safety and education of all students. Our goal is to provide a secure and supportive learning environment, even in times of emergency.
about 1 month ago, Mary Jo Fox
Colleton County SChool District
"Welcome Back to School"
about 1 month ago, Mary Jo Fox
School Supplies